bridgehead over troubled waters
Almost exactly a year after having written my post entitled premature iraqification discussions of troop withdrawal are again a hot topic. At that time I was seriously concerned about the possibility that the administration would perform some sort of cut and run under political duress.
Thankfully my concern was unfounded. But now it is a new year and time to examine the situation and to see why the withdrawal did not happen and will not happen any time soon.
I will not waste your time with the official version of why we remain. You can read that in any newspaper. And the opposition position is equally artificial, disingenuous and available.
Rather what I would like to consider is the facts.
First, as an aside, let me point out that I am not saying that this administration will not pull some troops out and call it a withdrawal or “draw down”. After all, this is the crew that boldly declared Mission Accomplished some two and a half years ago. No matter what actual course we take there is little of which I am so certain as the ultimate declaration of victory by this President and those of his party which will attempt to assume his mantle.
But the facts continue to be rather stubborn. American deaths continue to mount and the grim reaper’s roll call will continue as long as we are present there. Islam is fundamentally hostile to foreign rule and nothing is going to change this in a time frame measured in anything smaller than decades. Because of the mounting political pressure, some kind of withdrawal is inevitable before the next election, and the question is only what form and shape it will take.
If you think that complete withdrawal is a possibility, forget about it. The reason we will never entirely leave Iraq is buried in our real purpose for being there in the first place.
It has been clear at least since the end of Gulf War One that the real threat to world peace in the Middle East was not an emasculated Iraqi regime, but the Islamic Revolution. Recent headlines highlight the problems which a powerful Islamic State can cause. Of course, Iran is not the only threat, just the biggest and the one with the greatest chance of striving toward a greater Islamic State.
Iraq II is not about terrorism and never was. There is little doubt remaining in this Curmudgeon’s mind that the major reason for occupying Iraq was to create a permanent Western bridgehead at the center of this volatile region.
That bridgehead until recently had been Saudi Arabia. But events there have rendered our reliable forward logistics area problematic in the future. Hostility to the House of Saud continues to grow as does the world’s appetite for their oil. And Diego Garcia is too small and too remote to facilitate a significant modern military embarkation.
I can not even say that such a base of forward operations are undesirable. Whether we like it or not, the modern world runs on oil. If the oil stops flowing, modern civilization grinds to a halt. Or ceases altogether as a result of the social disorder a closed spigot would spawn. However obnoxious you may find the idea, the West must be prepared to keep the spigot open and to do so by force if necessary.
Forward bases in the less occupied regions of Western Iraq are just the ticket.
It is not a bad motive to want to insure the continued existence of modern civilization. Truly that which renders all of this so incredibly obnoxious is all the deception. Since we have gotten in the bullying business in extreme form already, perhaps it is time for a little honesty? Perhaps we should draw a perimeter of some size on a map of western Iraq and add a Fifty-first star to our flag? I doubt that Americans would get killed in any greater numbers.
John Adams should certainly consider his copious work on the topic of Factions vindicated by the present mess. It was during the Clinton reign that the methodology of all campaign all the time was first made overt. Those in charge of this formerly great nation continue to operate in continual campaign mode and the bridgehead must continue to be made politically palpable.
So I suspect that the current campaign slogans about a drawdown are nothing more than trial balloons just as was the case a year ago. Just another probing by the political savvy to determine the exact contours of what will sell to the masses of functionally illiterate people known as the American public.
But cheer up: an election is coming. The choice will be clear for the “informed” voter exercising their “responsibility” to go vote. We will again have our chance throw the bums out. A chance for redemption through regime change.
And you KNOW the party that brought you Vietnam can turn this thing completely around.
Excellent post. I don’t see why its not sensible to so many to drill Anwar, offshore, and the now off limits 1.7 million acres in Utah stolen under the"Utah Schools and Lands Exchange Act of 1998" (Thank you Pres. Clinton). We could leave the middle east to killing off each other all they want by just occupying ourselves with our own resources. Our 200 year supply of oil gives us plenty of time to find alternatives to fossil fuel if that becomes necessary.
“But hey, I'm talking to a guy that thinks there were dinosaur rodeos back in Old Testament times...”
Actually, it would have surprised me that you would have not embraced evolution. You practically renounced Christianity on this blog, then weakly reclaimed it only to discount it and its teachings at every turn. I think you sincerely do not want to burn in Hell if it turns out God exists, but you are not about to acknowledge Christ as Lord of this universe or your life. It tastes too sweet to have the accolades of this world, to be conformed to this world, and rejoice in ridiculing anything God ordained. It would be easier for me to “go along with the crowd” and not get laughed at by such wise individuals for taking God at His word.
Luke 12:9 “but he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God.”
You said in a prior post: “As for me, I only believe in "my religion" on a superficial level. For all practical purposes I'm a monotheistic agnostic. Most of us who actually even think about these things are. And the ones who are really still "quote-unquote" Christians are the really naive ones who just don't do a lot of honest reasoning with themselves.”
Were you to actually care about your eternal soul, these words should give you a tinge of uneasiness at the thought of being accountable for them on the day of judgement.
Re: evolution. DNA carries encoded information. Each cell has the complete map of every characteristic of your body. That’s a lot of information. That’s what tells the body how to grow, what color eyes, hair, complexion, blood type, everything. Where did that information come from? Your body can’t grow into something not encoded into the DNA. If your “great” x 1 billion grandparents were primordial slime and one celled creatures, what added the information at each and every leap or creep of evolution along the way? Your body can’t do it if its not in the DNA code. Your pet theory must claim either one of three utterly ridiculous claims to “work.”
1) Your single celled ancestors contained, not only the DNA for their own current structure and characteristics, but every other variation and development it would ever achieve up through complex humans and beyond, methodically deciphering between what it currently needed to be vs the vast information it contained for past and future characteristics. or
2) You believe that environment mystically “adds” coded information simultaneously and identically to the many trillions of cells in your body, or
3) God supernaturally has added encoded information to DNA of all species over billions of years for no “godly” purpose, but apparently to contradict His own word in many places confusing the humans that they should reject him and worship the creation rather than the Creator.
Of course your Germany Professor no doubt has already confronted you with this near verbatim argument, and I can not wait for you to share with me the crushing reply you no doubt delivered or wanted to deliver to him.
Unyielding, uncompromising, unashamed, defender of the faith,
Professor Ricardo.
Kurda Rico...that is TOO good.
I think the model for this is Texas. Americans moving in under color of law, and then keeping it under the guise of higher purposes.
How about Texopotamia?
Hey there good buddy. Good to see you again.
CG is decidedly over in the whacko realm on the volunteer military thing. I for one can not fathom anyone who things volunteer is not the way to go. Especially in this day and age where there is much more training than in the warfare of prior generations. Anything less than a committed professional is a hazard on the battlefield.
CG must stand for Creative Genius.
It has to take genius to come up with that much stuff I never said.
My position that conscription is bad has nothing to do with economic fairness. It has to do with having an effective military.
Call me silly, but if your defense structure is poor, it doesn’t really matter how socially just you feel it is because somebody else will take over and redefine justice for you anyway.
The problems you describe are real. The unfair burden a war puts on the poor is a problem to not be ignored. But I also think it is an inevitable problem in the prosecution of a war. Wars are bad things. Things to be avoided.
Since the burdens of war fall unfairly, this makes the Constitutional provisions concerning the Declaration of War especially important. It is essential that the broad will of the people be behind a Declaration of War because it is the masses that will be doing the bleeding and dying.
Of course our leaders have shamefully and consistently avoided their Constitutional obligations through various means such as the War Powers Act. We should impeach every one of them for breaching their oaths of office.
If I’m a professional soldier, I do not want a draftee protecting my backside. They are unreliable. They get good soldiers killed. Conscript units are the first to flee the field of battle. Conscription might seem fair at first, but it is the height of unfairness to the citizens who are not nearly as well protected.
This isn’t a blind spot on a moral issue. It is a mature understanding that a military organization unfit to do its job is worthless to those that they purport to defend.
Social justice needs to come from making good decisions on when to engage in a war. If society as a whole is at risk, few will quibble over social justice fine points. It is only when we take a flippant attitude and engage in conflict du jour at the drop of a political hat does it seem so immoral.
I’d also add that for many disadvantaged in our society, the military has been a great avenue for advancement and achievement. I think you insult a lot of people when you suggest that they only go into it because they are poor. Sure, low income people are more attracted because they need sustenance. At the same time, like TexaCon said, they don’t sign up without an expectation of what they are getting into. They work their butts off and achieve or they don’t make it in the volunteer military.
As I said, you are way over in whacko realm on this one. I for one will not ignore the plain fact that conscription has worked poorly every time it has been tried. I just don't have the energy to argue with a Flat Earth type.
Again, you have it all wrong. My conscience is in fact troubled by the fact that a disproportionate burden of military defense falls on the poor. I am completely open to suggestions that would mitigate this harsh reality.
What I’m not open to is simplistic knee-jerk responses that people (not necessarily you) have made that we can fix it all with a draft. The draft does not work except in times of dire necessity and even in those times of extreme necessity, draftees are substantially inferior. So if you want me on board with some social justice reform in the military, lets come up with some ideas grounded in reality rather than simply tossing out utopian platitudes about fairness.
Long live the mind's ability to protect opinions from facts.
You are correct. Conscription does involve moral judgments. As you have harshed me over the last several years on the Constitution not being a suicide pact, it is only fair to point that back at you. What you propose is nothing less than suicide. And I’m not in for that deal.
Feel free to make some proposals about how to accomplish the CG utopian social justice military without seriously compromising national security. I will continue to wait patiently.
Numbering from the top, you have 8 proposals.
1 and 2 are stupid. Those people do not belong anywhere near the battlefield. Logistics people are critical targets in a war.
3, 4, 5, and 6 are great ideas. I have long called for better financial support of our troops and their families. This has nothing to do with conscription.
7 is the only way to go if you have a draft subject to keeping the draftees as far away from the conflict as possible.
8 should be taken care of by getting 3 through 6 in place.
I think you both would enjoy Walter E. William’s commentary: Reinstating the Military Draft.
Prof. Ricardo
Common Good: “Pity the soul who measures social policy regarding our military and shared sacrifice as just another widget in capitalism.
So...pre 1865 black America dared to redefine their “shared sacrifice” for the greatness of our land and current established “social policy” as “slavery”, selfishly thinking only of their own personal advancement (capitalism) and potential productivity, and not the benefits to the whole? Pity the soul...
Prof. Ricardo
Common Good: “I guess if you lie a nation into war... why would an adminstration who lied about Iraq WMD not lie about finding them.”
The 2005 'spike' list
WND editors, readers expose year's underreported stories
7. The fact that WMDs were found in Iraq. While members of the U.S. Senate are suggesting once again that no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq,
reviewed the major discoveries, including more than 1.7 tons of enriched uranium.
A former intelligence analyst currently working as a civilian contractor recently said he will unveil publicly next month what he believes to be recordings of Saddam Hussein's office meetings discussing his program of developing weapons of mass destruction.
The highly confidential audio was overlooked when it was found in a warehouse along with many other untranslated Iraqi intelligence files, according to the contractor.
A 2004 report asserted key claims by the intelligence community widely judged in the media and by critics of President Bush as having been false turned out to have been true after all, but the news received little attention from the major media. In virtually every case – chemical, biological, nuclear and ballistic missiles – the United States has found the weapons and the programs that the Iraqi dictator successfully concealed for 12 years from U.N. weapons inspectors.
Charles Duelfer, an adviser to the CIA, did not rule out Saddam's transfer of Iraqi missiles and weapons of mass destruction to Syria. Duelfer agreed that a large amount of material had been transferred by Iraq to Syria before the war begin in March 2003.
Of course, how do you know we are even in a war? Maybe he lied about that too.
Prof. Ricardo
“..... we'll all going to just have to sit through Brokeback Mountain and start liking it.... by the way, I saw it, and it was better than I thought it would be...”
An excellent review of this propaganda piece is found here.
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